
If you don't know there's a battle going on it's because you're not fighting back.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Meaning Makers

These are just some notes and quotes from a book I’m studying called, How People Change by Timothy Lane and Paul Trip: In chapter 3 the author teaches us that we are “meaning makers”, unconsciously but incessantly. We never stop trying to figure life out.

Whether we suffer, strive, achieve, or relax, we continually ask ourselves, What is the point? What does it all mean? And here is the important part: the answers we give ourselves, the meanings we give to our thoughts, circumstances, relationships, and actions, move us in specific directions.

It’s as though we are trying to re-write the script in the middle of our own life stories so that we can make sense of what’s going on. Because instinctively, we sense that things are not the way God designed them. And ultimately we convince ourselves that a change needs to take place.

But shouldn’t we first consider that God is already working? And that our current circumstances are intentionally placed here by God’s hand? Not for our purpose of changing them, but in God’s plan to change us. Essentially, that we all spend too much of our lives trying to change the outside circumstances which God has intentionally allowed in order to cause change and growth in our own hearts.

This helps me to understand what Paul says in Philippians 1:6, “That he (God) who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.”

Because the author then goes on to say, “No matter what you face today, you can be encouraged that God’s good work continues in your life, even when you don’t see it. God continues his work right in the middle of that tough situation at work, or with your teenager, or that battle with your weight, or your struggle with discouragement. God moves you forward as you submit yourself to him.

So we can all rest in the presence of Jesus as we say to ourselves, “He is working right now to complete what he started in me.”

And as for me, I have to remind myself that growth in God’s grace is a process, not an event. That, “The Christian life is a journey that often takes us through the wilderness. You will get tired and confused. You will have moments when you wonder where God is. You will struggle to see God’s promises at work in your life. You will feel that following God has brought you more suffering than blessing. Sometimes it just seems as though the wrong side wins.” But I don’t have to figure everything out as its happening.

We are indeed “meaning makers” by nature; so then let us find meaning in our trust for the One who does understand, and who knows exactly what he is doing.

It’s as simple as- not needing to know. I don’t need to understand. I don’t need to make or re-make grandiose plans for myself. What I need is to believe in God’s plan for me. To know that God knows what he’s doing and let that be enough for me. To understand that God understands me better than even I understand myself.

And God, who is a loving father, leads me; being taught, nurtured, and raised by the path he’s set me on.


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