
If you don't know there's a battle going on it's because you're not fighting back.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Intro to Genesis, The Privileged Planet

The Privileged Planet is an outstanding documentary. Not just in quality but in content. This movie uses members of every science to discuss what the probability of a planet like Earth is. Then it discusses the equation that all elements being in existence on the same planet at the same time- what is the probability of an intellegent life forming on that planet.

The movie does not take any side on either creationalism or evolution. It's point is just to introduce us to the mathmatical sequence required for us as humans to be here.

In it's own description from the website it says, "Is this correlation merely a coincidence? Or does it point to a deeper truth about purpose and intelligent design within the cosmos?"

Anyway, definitely check this out. There's a 9 minute excerpt video posted above. There's the website address posted below. The movie is also located through Netflix and online at Veoh and in a 12 part series on YouTube.

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